Pr-001578 Centricity EHR 101: Module 2 - Finding a Patient Chart: MH - Sarita Stirrup v2

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Centricity EHR 101: Module 2 - Finding a Patient Chart: MH - Sarita Stirrup v2 show details
This interactive module is a component of the learning track, Centricity EHR 101: Fundamentals. Completion of this module is mandatory for 1)providers and staff at MedStar Health's ambulatory clinics and practices that are implementing Centricity EHR, and 2)new providers and staff at clinics and practices currently using Centricity EHR. This moduleguides the user through the stepsfor 1) logging into the Centricity EHR system, and 2) finding a patient's electronic chart.
  • : Sarita Stirrup
  • : Pr-001578