Od-033060 Workplace Violence Prevention De-escalation: Recognize, Accept, Plan (RAP).

Workplace Violence Prevention De-escalation: Recognize, Accept, Plan (RAP)
Workplace Violence Prevention De-escalation: Recognize, Accept, Plan (RAP) show details
This online module includes how to identify a situation that may possibly escalate. Demonstrates the use of Verbal utilizing RAP, and Non-Verbal methods for de-escalation of an agitated person and discusses what to do if the situation continues to escalate despite the use of RAP. The module includes 3 video scenarios that teach the use of RAP in different situations.
  • : William Pallozzi
  • : Pr-033059
Verbal De-Escalation Post-Training Survey show details
Verbal De-Escalation Post-Training Survey
  • : Les Becker
  • : Pr-032711